And the (Worst) Award Goes to… Butler & Hosch! Here We Go Again.
Sat May 23, 2015 by Oppenheim Law on Florida Law News

Prolonged cases will leave homeowners in limbo – as Butler & Hosch close their doors; forgetting that the “show must go on!” photo credit: MTV News
With the highly anticipated Billboard Music Awards coming to a close this past weekend, it is necessary to shine the spotlight on Butler & Hosch, P.A. Who you ask? Butler, one of the older Florida bank Foreclosure mills, abruptly closed its doors last week. A firm with a long standing reputation about as provocative as that of Kanye West (controversial rapper booed before performing at the BBMAs), suddenly announced its demise on Thursday, May 14.
The demise of Butler seems like a re-make of a sad song we all heard before. Remember attorney David Stern? David Stern’s multimillion dollar foreclosure law firm shut down after being investigated for its shoddy practices, which revealed all to be true. It is not surprising that during that fiasco, Butler picked up many cases from Stern. Thanks to Butler, we can expect another debut in the near future called, “The Crisis Starts Again.”
A Broadcast of Issues to Face in the Upcoming Crisis:
Prolonged cases will leave homeowners in limbo – not knowing the bank’s next move. As homeowner association fees pile up against homeowners, the time wasted will slow down the final disposition of these cases. These delayed cases will transform the docket into a mosh pit, once again. Who will show up to Court for the cases? Not Butler. As of this week, Butler did not show up for numerous Court hearings; forgetting that, “the show must go on!”
The only silver lining to the slowed court process? For some homeowners, they may be able to stay in their homes longer.
What Else to Expect from this Lackluster Performance?
Neighbors will also be affected. Properties sold at a lower cost reduce a neighborhood’s value. Now these sales may not happen. Because homes will be unoccupied, the neighborhood’s appearance may decline. Owners in foreclosure will have less incentive to maintain the appearance of the home, reducing the home’s attractiveness (while scaring off buyers). Abandoned homes may be vandalized, exposing the neighborhood to an increase in crime.
Butler grew too fast, unable to keep up with its business. Rather than fix its “talent,” Butler blindly boosted its presence, falling flat on its face.
As a Foreclosure Defense Attorney, having practiced for over twenty-five years, time and time again I see firms representing the big banks unethically treating homeowners in foreclosure cases; to the point that the firms take on the attributes of their clients. Soon we can expect to hear about the same old song of what Butler has done in the many years.