
Category: Florida Real Estate

Sci Fi Meets Real Estate: Robots Become Service Providers in Managing Properties

A recent property management report released in Forbes illustrates the use of robots providing guided home-showings online, aiding property managers by providing potential tenants with a quick and easy way to view real estate properties. As though we were watching an episode of The Jetsons, robots are now offering guided tours online. Once given access, pre-qualified tenants are able to […]

Facebook Emerges in the Real Estate Game

Thu Nov 30, 2017 by on Florida Real Estate

What Will Facebook’s Real Estate Marketplace Mean for Realtors and Agencies? The social media empire with billions of followers is expanding. Though Facebook is known for connecting family and friends, the tech giant is broadening its horizons into the field of real estate. Renters, owners, and landlords will now be able to connect in a much simpler way through the […]

Why the House’s Proposed Tax Plan Could Set Off the Next Real Estate Recession in Florida

What Impact Will the House Tax Plan Have on Florida? The new administration’s tax proposal may lead to serious repercussions in the Florida real estate market as the proposed tax bill would reduce or eliminate nearly all of the tax incentives of homeownership.  As a result, if carried out, the plan will likely open the doors to a new recession, […]

How Is Florida Surviving the Zombie Foreclosure Apocalypse?

Zombies Are Among Us. Although Florida is currently in third place for the most “zombie” foreclosures in the nation, certain counties among the state appear to be recovering from the “deadly” wave. Others? Not so much. Zombie foreclosures encompass homes that have not yet been seized by the banks, or lenders, despite having been abandoned by their owners.  Such distressed […]

Amazon’s Search for a “Prime” Location

  Amazon’s Search for A New Headquarters: the Search for a “Prime” Location and the Effects on Real Estate Cities across North America, including several South Florida cities, are engaged in what seems to be a reality show-like competition to be Amazon’s chosen city for its new $5 billion headquarters. From the installation of massive Amazon delivery boxes around the […]

Cryptocurrency Expected to Become New Norm in Real Estate Transactions

cryptocurrency for real estate transactions

A Real Estate Game-Changer: Cryptocurrency From buying coffee, to booking vacations and even purchasing homes, one cannot help but notice the growing adoption of digital currency (called cryptocurrency) in purchasing goods and services. This past August, our team at Oppenheim Law proudly announced that we began accepting cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, as payments for our professional services.  The […]

Millennials: Trade your Student Loans for a Mortgage.

Millennials: Trade your Student Loans for a Mortgage. As we noted in an earlier blog, it’s no secret that mounting student loans have made it difficult for Millennials to buy homes. Eagle Home Mortgage, the lending arm of South Florida’s largest homebuilder, Lennar Corp., is proposing a new solution to try and remove this common financial obstacle. Lennar Corp recently […]

Millennials: ARMed and Ready

Wed Jul 19, 2017 by on Florida Real Estate

Millennials Are Interested in Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Adjustable-rate Mortgages: The New Millennial Trend? In a previous video blog, we discussed crucial differences and considerations when it comes to choosing an Adjustable-Rate-Mortgage (ARM) versus a fixed-rate mortgage. A recent article from The Wall Street Journal shed some light on how Millennials are progressively opting for ARMs as opposed to the standard fixed-rate mortgages. While ARMs account for less […]