
Category: Florida Real Estate

Florida Fraud-closure Workshop: How to Fashion Your Foreclosure Bailout Through Strategic Default

It’s a fraud-closure world after all! As Florida leads the nation in mortgage delinquency; Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim announces Oppenheim Law’s 26th consecutive monthly foreclosure defense workshop scheduled for Wednesday December 8, 2010 from 6:00 to 7:00pm. Oppenheim, who has coached thousands of homeowners through his seminars, will focus on how homeowners can fashion their own bailout through strategic […]

Oppenheim Law Wants You To Be the Judge: Are Florida’s Courts Restricting Access to the Media + Homeowners?

by Attorney Geoffrey Sherman and Roy Oppenheim Once again, we have Lore versus Law. I’m sure by now when you hear the term “Rocket-Docket” you immediately associate this term with how the Florida’s courts are handling the foreclosure crisis. For those of you who don’t know, Florida’s legislature appropriated approximately $9.6 million this year from Federal stimulus funds to clear […]

Facing Foreclosure – What to do? Roy Oppenheim Offers Insight on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television

Foreclosure defense attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim shares valuable insight into foreclosure defense and the current state of the mortgage crisis during the My Empowerment segment of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV. The segment, which aired this morning at 7 and 8 a.m. EST, covered topics ranging from options for underwater homeowners to experts’ long and short-term outlook […]

Foreclosure Defense in a New York Times Minute with Roy Oppenheim

Roy Oppenheim spent about one hour on the phone with The New York Times real estate reporter David Streitfeld talking about what it’s like to be a foreclosure defense attorney. Although Oppenheim has been practicing real estate law including foreclosure defense since 1989 starting out on Wall Street, there is no doubt the past two years have been the busiest […]

This Week’s Instant Replay: Oppenheim Law Foreclosure Fraud Workshop

Toxic foreclosures, robo-signers, rocket dockets, bank busters, dirty titles and clean homes! The new lingo in real estate law is making a name for itself and leaving frustrated homeowners with questions. In case you missed this month’s Foreclosure Fraud Workshop hosted by Legal Blogger and Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim, South Florida Law Blog brings the instant replay! If you […]

Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorney Says Vote No! Election Day Speed Callers, Bank Fraud Speed Signers

Today “robo-callers” are speed-dialing to encourage voters to go to the polls for Election Day; no different than the “robo-signers” (the speed signers) who contributed to the foreclosure bank fraud crisis we are in right now. The robo-callers are jamming up the phone systems just like robo-signers have done to the legal system; and allowing foreclosures to fly through the […]

Florida Foreclosure Bank Fraud Workshop by Roy Oppenheim

Find out what the foreclosure crisis headlines mean to Florida homeowners and how this ‘train wreck’ impacts real estate buying, selling and investing. Join Florida Real Estate Attorney and Legal Blogger Roy Oppenheim on Wednesday November 3, 2010 via a streaming webcast on Oppenheim Law TV or limited seating for the live workshop in Boca Raton, Fl. It’s out of […]

Big Problem for Banks: Due Process. Oppenheim Agrees

Bravo to Joe Nocera who writes the Talking Business column for The New York Times each Saturday. Today’s story Big Problem with Banks: Due Process is right on target according to Roy Oppenheim, foreclosure defense attorney with Oppenheim Law Here is an excerpt: It is absolutely true that the homeowners that Bank of America wants to foreclose on are in […]