How America Changed Forever: 4 Takeaways From the Fouth of July: Civil Rights, Derogatory Symbols, Marriage Equality and Obamacare
Thu Jul 2, 2015 by Oppenheim Law on Florida Law News
This Fourth of July we celebrated America’s 239th year of Independence and how America has changed forever. But unlike other Fourth of July celebrations, this one has been a little more special to me as well as to most Americans—I hope.
Personally, I take great pride in celebrating our law firm’s 25th year of serving our friends and colleagues in the State of Florida. In fact truth be told, I dated my first retainer agreements July 4, just as a personal reminder of how important independence truly is, whether it is independence from tyranny or just personal independence.
Perhaps more importantly, this Fourth of July I celebrated how our nation continues to evolve and recognize the importance of the independence and civil rights of all Americans. Last week truly was a historic one for marriage equality as we fully recognized that marriage is a fundamental right available to Americans regardless of their partner’s gender. This has been a legal battle that has been going on for decades and it is remarkable how over time, through a democracy such as ours, these rights can become the law of the land.
Just as important, last week marked a true recognition that certain types of derogatory symbols, such as the Confederate Flag, do not belong in public places. While you certainly have the right to fly such a flag in your home or your yard (as part of your right to freedom of speech), clearly public displays of such negative symbols are now deemed highly inappropriate. It is particularly inappropriate for a state house to fly the Confederate Flag, as it is a reminder of a time in our history that is now long gone.
In addition, one other right became the law of the land last week, and that was the right to always be able to have access to health insurance regardless of any preexisting condition(s). It is now fair to say that Obamacare is here to stay and that the inalienable right of being able to be insured regardless of how you were born or what may happen to you is one that will become part of the fabric of our great nation.
Mind you, these 4 key takeaways go well beyond politics and really become enmeshed in the fabric of our nation, one that we should all come together and celebrate this Fourth of July as we fly our stars and stripes with pride.
God Bless America and your friends and family.
For the firm,
Roy Oppenheim