
Tag: banking

The Hazard of Moral Hazard

Tue Jan 15, 2013 by on Florida Law News

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo Homes! and is being redistributed on South Florida Law Blog with their permission Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We already know that the banks haven’t learned from their mistakes. They can and often will engage in risky behavior given the opportunity. So why do regulators and […]

Independent Foreclosure Review: R.I.P.

Thu Jan 10, 2013 by on Florida Law News

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo Homes! and is being redistributed on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. The Independent Foreclosure Reviewis dead. Long live the Independent Foreclosure Review. When word came out about this so-called “independent” process last year, few bought into it. I certainly never did, and most homeowners knew from the beginning that it […]

How Will the Libor Scandal Impact Main Street?

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo! Homes and is being republished on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. The residential real estate market is beginning to show real signs of life. Home values have posted their first annual increase in nearly five years, acccording to the latest Zillow index, which is a well-respected year-over-year analysis of the […]

Eminent Domain: A Foreclosure Fix From The Trenches

Tue Jul 24, 2012 by on Foreclosure Law

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo! Homes and is being redistributed on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. Eminent domain, where the government can seize properties without an owner’s consent, is meant to be used for significant public benefit. Usually when the government takes a home under eminent domain, it is expanding a road or building an […]

Facebook IPO: Why It Went Wrong and Why It Matters

Wed May 23, 2012 by on Florida Law News

I foolishly hoped the Facebook IPO might actually bring some confidence back to Wall Street. What was I thinking? Turns out it’s just another example of how the soulless Wall Street culture is destroying American style capitalism. We have barely gotten past JP Morgan Chase’s $3 billion catastrophe, and the outrage over their foolish decisions, but here we are again. […]

How Some States Are Spending Foreclosure Settlement Money Is Far From Settling

Fri May 18, 2012 by on Florida Foreclosures

It’s pretty hard to find a single housing advocate or foreclosure defense attorney, myself included, who didn’t find the national mortgage settlement to be, at the very least, flawed. It may have been a necessary step to getting the housing market back on track, but we know that it didn’t come close to compensating homeowners who had been illegally kicked […]

Roman Pino Case Imperative to Florida Supreme Court’s Integrity

I’m not a reader of tea leaves, so I am not about to guess how the Florida Supreme Court will ultimately rule on Roman Pino vs. The Bank of New York. But listening to the justices attack Amanda Lundergan, Roman Pino’s attorney, while seemingly going much easier on Bruce Rogow, the bank’s very well-respected lawyer, was at best, discouraging. It’s […]

Landmark Foreclosure Case Goes Before Florida Supreme Court; Has Banks Terrified

If you haven’t already heard, there is a monumental case that was heard Thursday morning in the Florida Supreme Court, and every single homeowner should be paying close attention to this case. To watch a replay of the oral arguments, please click here. The case is Roman Pino vs. Bank of New York. It involves all the customary fraud I […]