
Tag: Ben Bernanke

60 Minutes, Big Ben and Roy Oppenheim’s Foreclosure Defense Workshop

In case you missed it, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on the record with 60 Minutes last night to discuss the current state of the economy. On Wednesday at 6 pm in his own 60 minutes, Foreclosure Defense Attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim will discuss his thoughts on this interview as well as the latest foreclosure defense strategies […]

The Fed Finally Shows Its True Colors as to Homeowners and Foreclosure Crisis

In Monday’s The New York Times editorial The Fed and Foreclosures, The Times finally took the Fed to task. They wrote: “There are two sides to every delinquent loan – a lender who made a bad lending decision and a borrower who cannot repay. Yet banks have never acted as if they bear any responsibility for the mortgage mess.” The […]