
Tag: borrowers

United States Supreme Court Strays from the Pack with a Crucial Ruling for Borrowers

Thu Jan 22, 2015 by on Florida Law News

The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) gives home loan borrowers a three-day right to rescind, or cancel, a loan transaction. For these first three days, this right is unconditional, without any caveats. After the three days run out, there is a catch; the borrower has the right to rescind only if the lender has failed to satisfy TILA’s disclosure requirements. […]

Short Sales On The Rise; Banks Offering Incentives to Borrowers

Wed Feb 8, 2012 by on Short Sales

For 5 years now we’ve been a huge champion of the short sale. We’ve been banging and banging away at the banks because they didn’t share our opinion. There has long been an institutional reluctance among our nation’s lenders to embrace the short sale, but it appears they are finally coming around. According to Corelogic’s most recent numbers, short sales […]