
Tag: Citigroup

Senator Elizabeth Warren Blitzkriegs CitiGroup & Wallstreet

Tue Dec 23, 2014 by on Florida Law News

  Massachusetts’ Senator Elizabeth Warren gave a series of resounding speeches in opposition to a recent provision passed in the 2015 federal budget “Cromnibus” spending bill.  The contested provision weakened the Dodd-Frank law, thereby allowing big banks like CitiGroup to gamble on risky investments with taxpayers’ money.  Such a provision is not unique to the 2015 “Cromnibus” spending bill, in […]

Robosigning Exposed in HUD Audits

Thu Mar 15, 2012 by on Florida Law News

Well what do you know. Earlier this week I blogged about the mortgage settlement documents and their stunning lack of detail on the frauds committed by the banks during the days of robosigning. I was frustrated because it seems like the complete recklessness of the banks was being whitewashed in order for the settlement to go through. Turns out I […]

Homeowner's Super Bowl — Clock Winding Down on Robo-Signing Settlement

The clock may have run out on this year’s Super Bowl (Way to go Giants!!) but there’s still a few minutes left in this year’s REAL grudge match, the Banks vs. the Attorney Generals. It’s 4th and Inches, the score is tied, and it would be nice to avoid overtime. Today we could learn whether the much-discussed robo-signing settlement with […]

Rakoff to the Rescue: Judge Tosses Citigroup Settlement

Sun Dec 4, 2011 by on Florida Law News

Let’s start with Roy Oppenheim’s bottom line first: “The SEC runs a revolving door of crony capitalism where attorneys and enforcement officers come and go exchanging positions with Wall Street and the large banks as frequently as you and I change our underwear.” Last month we told you about a federal judge pulling a not-so-fast on the Security Exchange Commission […]

Banks Go Straight to Jail? Defrauding Investors out of Millions gets Chance Card

Fri Oct 28, 2011 by on Florida Law News

Banks continue to draw the lucky Get out of Jail Free card! South Florida Law Blog’sForeclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim asks: If the government is truly interested in reducing mortgage fraud, why not go after the ones who cause a larger impact on the economy and affect homeowners on a national scale? It seems the banks get the chance card […]

Foreclosure Circus Act? Banks Apologize and Homeowners Suffer, Roy Oppenheim Responds

It is not just the daily news, it is the hourly news. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times are reporting multiple stories daily about the unfolding developments and ramifications of the recent suspensions by four major companies that service mortgages and how this crisis will undoubtedly slow the housing recovery. Roy Oppenheim wrote a letter to the […]