
Tag: David Stern

The Real 'Miami Zombie' — David Stern!

Tue Jun 5, 2012 by on Florida Foreclosures

We’ve all heard by now of the unbelievably grizzly story out of Miami about Rudy Eugene, the man so off his gourd that he ate a man’s face off. Somewhere along the line this horrific attack became the source of comic fodder. Eugene’s been dubbed “The Miami Zombie,” and yes he even has a Twitter account. But I might argue […]

Landmark Foreclosure Case Goes Before Florida Supreme Court; Has Banks Terrified

If you haven’t already heard, there is a monumental case that was heard Thursday morning in the Florida Supreme Court, and every single homeowner should be paying close attention to this case. To watch a replay of the oral arguments, please click here. The case is Roman Pino vs. Bank of New York. It involves all the customary fraud I […]

Friday Round-Up; Budget Cuts Cripple Foreclosure Docket; Whistleblower Gets $18 mil; Stern Employees Settle

Fri Mar 16, 2012 by on Foreclosure Fraud

Clerks of court warn budget cuts will delay filings Just as I had predicted (and feared) now that the Florida legislature has passed a 7% budget cut to the state’s Clerk of Courts, officials from those offices are already warning of a major slowdown at courthouses across the state. Case filings may now take weeks instead of days. Hearings may […]

Friday Round-Up; Still No Settlement; Schneiderman Looks at REMICs, Judge Loses Cancer Battle

Fri Mar 2, 2012 by on Foreclosure Fraud

Big Foreclosure Settlement Still Not Really, Truly, Finally Done And here we go again. Last month I wondered when we were going to see the documentation behind the ‘$25 billion’ mortgage settlement. Despite the massive action this settlement is now supposedly leading to, there didn’t seem to be a huge rush to get the deal finalized. The same day I […]

Week In Review: Foreclosure and the GOP; Banks May Lose HAMP Money; Bondi Stands Behind Settlement; Stern Wants Fries With That

Fri Jan 27, 2012 by on Florida Law News

We’re finally starting to catch our breath, with the substantial amount of news we’ve seen come down the pipeline in the housing market this week. President Obama’s State of the Union, and the apparent collapse of the federal government’s settlement with the banks have been our focus this week, and rightfully so. But there’s been lots of other stories that […]

As David Stern’s Foreclosure Mill Closes Down, a Miami-Dade Judge Dresses Down a Foreclosure Mill

  On a recent Friday morning in Miami-Dade County, Judge Maxine Cohen Lando went on the record to dress down a foreclosure mill in such a fashion that it brought chills to any lawyer who is a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. The foreclosure case was before the court because the defendant had brought a motion to […]