
Tag: florida foreclosure

Foreclosure Scams Rampant in Florida

Wed May 15, 2013 by on Florida Law News

Written By Aaron Kase, Lawyers.com, May 1, 2013 and republished in The South Florida Law Blog. A Florida man was recently sentenced to 26 years in prison for foreclosure and short sale fraud. John Lebron, 33, was convicted last week of setting up a complex scheme to buy and sell foreclosed houses, make money on each part of the deal, […]

South Florida falls to third in national foreclosure rankings

Mon May 13, 2013 by on Florida Law News

Written By Paul Owers, Sun Sentinel 5:37 a.m. EDT, May 9, 2013 and republished in The South Florida Law Blog with excerpts from Roy Oppenheim. South Florida has relinquished its ranking as the nation’s top spot for foreclosures. After posting the No. 1 foreclosure rate for two consecutive months, the metro area covering Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties fell […]

Lucky few Floridians get $125,000 from foreclosure settlement, most to get $300

Wed Apr 17, 2013 by on Florida Law News

This article was originally written By Kimberly Miller for The Palm Beach Post and republished in South Florida Law Blog. The first wave of checks to 4.2 million borrowers, including hundreds of thousands in Florida, will go into the mail Friday, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. […]

Beware of Zombie Foreclosures! Cases Dismissed Months Ago are Now Back from the Dead

Wed Jul 13, 2011 by on Florida Foreclosures

It’s a case of Dawn of the Dead called zombie foreclosures. In addition to the wave of Florida foreclosure cases expected once the banks get their paperwork in order and begin to foreclose on new homes again, a different wave of foreclosure cases is also ready to crest. The second wave is the zombie foreclosure wave. The zombie cases are […]

3 Tips on Florida’s New House Rules and the American Dream

  Is homeownership still part of today’s American Dream? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal shared some old school advice on buying a home in today’s economy, more along the lines of Depression Era thinkers versus Baby Boomer spenders. 1. Buy what you can afford without scrimping on other needs. If you need to save for retirement or […]

Florida Foreclosure process “just a rotten bag of apples,” Roy Oppenheim says

It’s an understatement to say that homeowners have had it up to here with banks and the foreclosure process. Those caught up in the wake of the foreclosure crisis often see the banks as heartless and just out to make a buck. Some feel like what the banks have done to the American homeowner is criminal. And they just might […]