
Tag: foreclosure defense attorney

Banks No Longer Above the Law: Inadmissible Hearsay Stays Out of Court

Mon Sep 19, 2011 by on Florida Law News

Florida homeowners scored a huge win last week when a Florida Appellate Court ruled that banks could no longer continue to break the rules in almost every foreclosure action. Following advice I gave in my letter to the editor of the Florida Bar Journal months ago, the Fourth District Court finally recognized that affidavits being submitted as “evidence” by banks […]

Red Carpet Winners, Short Sales and Oppenheim Law’s March Real Estate Workshop

Join Florida Foreclosure Defense and Short Sale Attorney Roy Oppenheim March 9th at 6 PM. “Not a single financial executive has gone to jail”…that is how Producer Charles Ferguson rocked the Oscars by starting his acceptance speech for winning best feature documentary for “Inside Job,” a film about the 2008 financial system meltdown. How appropriate. Meanwhile, Florida real estate is […]

Foreclosure Defense Attorney Discusses Global Economic Recovery – Part 3

If you are a Florida homeowner facing foreclosure, you may not be thinking about the long-term economy. But Roy Oppenheim, a Florida foreclosure defense attorney, sees the big picture and how it relates to the foreclosure crisis. Oppenheim offered Florida homeowners his insights on the economy in a recent interview on the talk show “Mind of Money” with Asset Protection […]

Roy Oppenheim Discusses Foreclosure Crisis Defense Strategies – Part 2

What do you do if your house is in foreclosure? Do you put your head in the sand and enter into the financial crisis? Or do you launch a foreclosure defense? Roy Oppenheim, a respected Florida real estate and foreclosure defense attorney, offered strategic advice for Florida homeowners in a recent interview on the talk show “Mind of Money” with […]

Facing Foreclosure – What to do? Roy Oppenheim Offers Insight on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television

Foreclosure defense attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim shares valuable insight into foreclosure defense and the current state of the mortgage crisis during the My Empowerment segment of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV. The segment, which aired this morning at 7 and 8 a.m. EST, covered topics ranging from options for underwater homeowners to experts’ long and short-term outlook […]

Foreclosure Defense in a New York Times Minute with Roy Oppenheim

Roy Oppenheim spent about one hour on the phone with The New York Times real estate reporter David Streitfeld talking about what it’s like to be a foreclosure defense attorney. Although Oppenheim has been practicing real estate law including foreclosure defense since 1989 starting out on Wall Street, there is no doubt the past two years have been the busiest […]

This Week’s Instant Replay: Oppenheim Law Foreclosure Fraud Workshop

Toxic foreclosures, robo-signers, rocket dockets, bank busters, dirty titles and clean homes! The new lingo in real estate law is making a name for itself and leaving frustrated homeowners with questions. In case you missed this month’s Foreclosure Fraud Workshop hosted by Legal Blogger and Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim, South Florida Law Blog brings the instant replay! If you […]

Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorney Says Vote No! Election Day Speed Callers, Bank Fraud Speed Signers

Today “robo-callers” are speed-dialing to encourage voters to go to the polls for Election Day; no different than the “robo-signers” (the speed signers) who contributed to the foreclosure bank fraud crisis we are in right now. The robo-callers are jamming up the phone systems just like robo-signers have done to the legal system; and allowing foreclosures to fly through the […]