
Tag: foreclosure process

Florida Fair Foreclosure Act? Fair to Whom?

Banks need to get their massive foreclosure backlog off the books. There are over 368,000 cases in Florida. I get that. Getting these properties into the hands of families who can afford them, that is what I want to see. It’s needed to jump start the economy, and no one wants to see the banks out of the neighborhoods more […]

Settlement Or No Settlement; Homeowners You Must Stand Your Ground!

If there was anything positive that came out of the prolonged discussions between the states and the banks on the mortgage servicing settlement, it was that banks were reluctant to go full steam ahead in the foreclosure process while talks were ongoing. But even before the settlement was announced, we saw signs that pointed to more foreclosures in 2012. According […]

Happy New Year for Homeowners! No More Cutting Corners for Banks!

Banks will need to clean up their circus “act” in 2012 when it comes to Florida foreclosure cases thanks to a series of stinging decisions handed down by the 4th District Court of Appeals that could be the gift that keeps on giving for Florida homeowners. The court finally realized the banks must have the proper authority before they proceed […]

Florida Foreclosure process “just a rotten bag of apples,” Roy Oppenheim says

It’s an understatement to say that homeowners have had it up to here with banks and the foreclosure process. Those caught up in the wake of the foreclosure crisis often see the banks as heartless and just out to make a buck. Some feel like what the banks have done to the American homeowner is criminal. And they just might […]

CBS Hosts Oppenheim Law for Real Estate Panel

Roy Oppenheim, Ellen Pilelsky, and Geoff Sherman will be answering questions about loan modifications and refinancing next Monday on CBS4 Your Money’s real estate panel phone bank. With the ever-changing real estate market, many South Florida residents are left with questions and concerns or are in need of real estate advice. Thanks to Al Sunshine of Miami’s CBS4, South Florida […]

Roy Oppenheim Advises to Fight Foreclosure

Tue Jun 30, 2009 by on Florida Foreclosures

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune interviewed Roy Oppenheim, among other Florida foreclosure attorneys, for his opinion on what to do during the foreclosure process. The article advises homeowners to fight foreclosure and never just give-in to a foreclosure notice. Read on for the full article. Attorneys advise clients to stay in their homes By Todd Ruger Monday, June 29, 2009 SARASOTA COUNTY […]