
Tag: oppenheim

South Florida Law Blog…En Espanol

Seeing as how Oppenheim Law is based in South Florida, we obviously have many spanish-speaking clients, and more than a few spanish-speaking employees. In fact it was one of those employees, Natalia, who brought it to my attention that we are doing them a disservice by not directly speaking to them here. We already offer translation services for our clients, […]

An Open Letter To President Obama

Wed Jun 13, 2012 by on Florida Law News

Dear Mr. President: As you know historically, since the great depression, refinancing mortgages has been this country’s exit strategy when it comes to pulling us out of the economic ditch. So it’s nice to see that you are now pushing Congress to pass refinancing reform. It’s the most effective and efficient way to craft a bailout that actually helps everyone. […]

Oppenheim Law: In The News

Fri Apr 27, 2012 by on Roy Oppenheim & Short Sales

Survey: Mortgage Foreclosure Scams Surge Not only is America’s foreclosure crisis still going strong, it now comes with even more fraud and deception. With heightened media coverage surrounding the recent national mortgage settlement and refinements to government assistance programs, experts say selling “the schtick” has only become easier for criminals. But there are red flags consumers can watch out for […]

What Did Chuck Coulson Think of Banks ‘Hatchet’ Job on Homeowners?

Last weekend Chuck Coulson, the man once called Richard Nixon’s ‘hatchet man”, passed away at the age of 80. Known both for his being one of the ‘Watergate Seven’ and his subsequent 2nd life as a born-again evangelist, I can only wonder what he thought of of our current foreclosure crisis. I don’t know if he ever gave it much […]

Oppenheim Looks at 2011 and beyond: Foreclosure Crisis, #OccupyWallStreet and Real Estate

With 2011 winding down, foreclosure attorney Roy Oppenheim made a return visit to “The Mind of Money” to share his thoughts on the year that was with host Douglas Lodmell. Just as Oppenheim anticipated, this year we’ve seen how big this foreclosure mess really is. There were numerous investigations, and a self-imposed moratorium on foreclosures during parts of 2011, resulting […]

60 Minutes: Underwater Homes? Everyone’s getting wet!

The world is upside down again: Banks are walking away while homeowners are staying to fight for their neighborhoods. That’s what the team at Oppenheim Law realized after watching 60 Minutes’ latest piece on the foreclosure crisis. This time Scott Pelley focused on a neighborhood in Cleveland where officials has resorted to tearing down what were once perfectly good homes. […]