
Tag: president

Robosigning Settlement Proves Sky Was Falling! Chicken Little Was Right!

Fri Feb 10, 2012 by on Bank Fraud & Roy Oppenheim

Yesterday’s robosigning settlement that all but one state ultimately signed off on, was far from perfect. Let’s make that perfectly clear. Depending on what you have read, you might be outraged, you might be relieved, you might be overjoyed. And the target of your wrath or sympathy might depend on your own personal perspective. But make no mistake about it, […]

Obama and the State of the Union — a Political Jekyll and Hyde?

Leading up to the State of the Union, we heard a lot of chatter that a proposed $25 billion settlement with the banks would be a selling point in President Obama’s speech.And maybe it would have been, had President Obama delivered the State of the Union. But clearly the person we saw last night addressing Congress was candidate Obama, who […]

Will Obama Target Housing Crisis During State Of The Union?

We really haven’t seen President Obama insert himself directly into the housing crisis, but there are rumblings that he may do just that during Tuesday’s State of The Union address. The fact is that is what homeowners have been clamoring for. A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll found 58% of Americans want the government to do more to help people keep […]