
Tag: promissory note

Million-dollar mansion won by real estate mavens

Sun Aug 11, 2013 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by KIMBERLY MILLER -for Palm Beach Post Staff Writer and republished by Roy Oppenheim for the South Florida Law Blog. He is the self-proclaimed condo king of New England, a man so cheeky that after five years in prison for bank fraud he’d moor his 94-foot yacht off the federal courthouse in Boston just to goad prosecutors. She is the […]

Machiavelli, Alive and Well, In Illinois?

Fri Sep 14, 2012 by on Florida Law News

  Since I started the South Florida Law Blog following the 2008 economic meltdown, I have made no secret of the fact that I am extremely critical of what can best be characterized as “America’s new crony capitalism.” Crony capitalism occurs where certain industries have gained undue influence in the political process and thus have curried favor unjustly from the […]

Foreclosure Decreases and Mediations Story in Miami Herald, Roy Oppenheim Interviewed

The Miami Herald is reporting the flood of South Florida foreclosures is receding in the first five months of 2010 as foreclosure filings have fallen sharply and efforts to ease the courts’ backlogs are kicking in. But Oppenheim Law isn’t so sure the decreases are going to last and believes the next big wave of filings will come soon. Foreclosure […]

Even More Embarrassment for Banks: Foreclosure Fraud

What could be more embarrassing for the already floundering banks than the fact that their foreclosure, loan modification and short sale systems are a complete mess? Well, a recent court decision in a mortgage foreclosure lawsuit in Pasco County, FL, revealed the banks, besides being disorganized, are apparently not above stooping to commit fraud in order to file foreclosure actions […]