

Florida Foreclosure Attorney Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 year Anniversary of the Great Recession. Last Part: The Guilty Ones.

“A Retrospective From the Trenches of the Great Recession-The Parties to Blame” Welcome to the last part of my series of posts dedicated to reflecting on the ten-year anniversary of the Great Recession. I have talked about the changes prompted by the economic collapse, the things that did not change after it, and now it is time to talk about […]

MERS is Dead! Humpty Dumpty Won’t Be Put Together Again!

Humpty Dumpty has had his great fall, thanks to an outstanding bankruptcy judge who has all but dismantled the Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) thanks to his recent ruling.‪​‪ Last week New York Judge Robert Grossman ruled that all of MERS’ business practices are illegal. It’s a staggering blow to the banks and their endless efforts to circumvent due process. […]