
Tag: Rolling Stone

“Welfare for the Rich” – Matt Taibbi Exposes Disgusting Practices at the Federal Reserve

The question of the decade: Why isn’t Wall Street in jail? In a typical jaw-dropping article for Rolling Stone Magazine The Real Housewives of Wall Street, Matt Taibbi reveals the shocking practices of the Federal Reserve during the Great Recession. With the nation staggering, the Federal Reserve took it upon itself to lend trillions of dollars at nearly zero percent […]

Rolling Stone and Oppenheim Law Ask: Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?

Accountability? In an era in which almost every bank on Wall Street was entangled in financial scandal, millions of Americans are left in an impoverished hole and billions of dollars in wealth has been destroyed, no one has been held accountable. Considering these circumstances, Rolling Stone Magazine Writer Matt Taibbi begs the question, “Why isn’t Wall Street in Jail?” Today’s […]

Rolling Stone Read: Reckless Rubber Stamping Foreclosures

by Ellen Pilelsky – From the Heart There is something so deeply wrong and disturbing with the current foreclosure crisis. Simply: While most of us have some opinion as to the foreclosure mess, many don’t seem to care about the incredible amount of fraud that has occurred and continues to take place each day. Some argue that people who fail […]