
Yearly Archives: 2010

Today’s Sun-Sentinel Florida Foreclosure Report , Roy Oppenheim Contributes to Story

A Foreclosure Tsunami is overwhelming South Florida courts, writes Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reporter Harriet Johnson Brackey. Florida real estate attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim contributed to the report, which explains how a tenfold increase in foreclosure cases over the past five years is crippling the South Florida court system. According to Oppenheim Law, South Florida courts have turned to […]

Sun-Sentinel Highlights Florida Attorney Roy Oppenheim + Strategic Default

Aside from acting as counsel on short sales, foreclosure defense and strategic defaults, Weston real estate attorney Roy Oppenheim is bestowing a sense relief to South Florida’s underwater homeowners. As Oppenheim Law mentioned in our Shay’s Rebellion 2.0 Workshop Recap, Sun-Sentinel real estate writer Paul Owers was on hand, working on a feature article of Oppenheim and the firm’s foreclosure […]

How the Gulf Oil Catastrophe Brought Upon a True Black Swan

Even before the economic bubble started to burst in 2005, I frequently talked about Black Swan events (Haiti, Transcript and Video from Presentation back in November of 2008) You know the kind of low probability events that have a huge impact on the economy. Examples are Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti and Chilean earthquakes and, of course, the devastating Gulf Oil […]

Oops…They Did It Again – Another Wrongful Foreclosure

Taking after Britney Spear’s colossal “Oops…I did it again” hit song from 2000, Bank of America has accidentally foreclosed on a home for the third time in less than a year! “I honestly felt like Bank of America was trying to steal my property”, said Nancy Willmes, who had paid cash for her home from Fannie Mae, who had foreclosed […]

Real Estate Rewind! Oppenheim’s Strategic Foreclosure Workshop Replay

Greed, games, and the American banks. Roy Oppenheim discussed the silent strategic foreclosure revolution of up-in-arm homeowners last night. As frustrated homeowners tuned in online through the OPLaw Foreclosure Defense UStream Channel, Oppenheim Law marked its 18th Legal Real Estate Workshop amidst a live audience and Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reporters. For one week only, you can view the workshop on […]

It’s Time: Strategic Foreclosure Workshop Tonight

Wed Jun 2, 2010 by on Foreclosure Workshop

Foreclosures have been filed against 1.7 million American homeowners, and The New York Times is reporting the pace of the legal proceedings is continuing to slow: In Florida, the average property spends 518 days in foreclosure, second only to New York’s 561 days. This is good news for underwater homeowners, who now have the opportunity to use strategic defaults and […]

Show me the Note! Oppenheim Law Explains New FL Supreme Court Ruling

Taking a page from Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the movie Jerry Maguire, a new rule in South Florida courts has homeowners and foreclosure defense attorneys screaming: “SHOW! ME! THE! NOTE!!!” Until now, banks have been abusing a Florida statute allowing them to file a foreclosure based on a “lost note.” The problem: the notes aren’t lost; the banks are just […]

Roy Oppenheim on Strategic Foreclosure: Shay’s Rebellion 2.0

A silent rebellion has begun. This time there will be no drums or shots fired. In fact, no one will hear anything. Not even footsteps. Homeowners have reached a tipping point of sorts: 7 million homeowners are currently underwater. They are defaulting on their mortgages. One by one they are part of Shay’s Rebellion 2.0, a rebellion being fought on […]