
Search Results: Wall Street Rules

Presidential Debates Let Wall Street Off the Hook

Fri Oct 26, 2012 by on Florida Law News

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo! Homes and is being republished on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. So we’ve managed to get through all three presidential debates. But although the presidential election is (thankfully) in the home stretch, did we really learn anything new about either President Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney? And more importantly, […]

Occupy Your Living Room! What? #OccupyWallStreet Via Foreclosure

Fri Nov 18, 2011 by on Florida Law News

Some underwater and financially fractured homeowners are supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement from the comfort of their own living room. As the Occupy Wall Street completes its two-month anniversary and demonstrators were removed from Zuccotti Park, let’s take a moment to reflect on why these demonstrations are now resonating with both Main Street America and homeowners that are underwater […]

3 Tips on Florida’s New House Rules and the American Dream

  Is homeownership still part of today’s American Dream? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal shared some old school advice on buying a home in today’s economy, more along the lines of Depression Era thinkers versus Baby Boomer spenders. 1. Buy what you can afford without scrimping on other needs. If you need to save for retirement or […]

Rolling Stone and Oppenheim Law Ask: Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?

Accountability? In an era in which almost every bank on Wall Street was entangled in financial scandal, millions of Americans are left in an impoverished hole and billions of dollars in wealth has been destroyed, no one has been held accountable. Considering these circumstances, Rolling Stone Magazine Writer Matt Taibbi begs the question, “Why isn’t Wall Street in Jail?” Today’s […]

News of the Week: Egypt Unplugs, Obama’s New Rules, Foreclosures “Out”, Short Sales “In”

This was a historical week. Besides marking the 25th anniversary of the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger – an event that itself marked the end of an era; this week’s headlines included Obama’s new rules/new economy State of the Union; Friday marked the first time in history that part of the Internet went dead as Egypt “unplugged itself” in […]

Roy’s Rules for 2011: New Year, New Normal

You might have resolutions; I say let’s just rewrite the rules. When it comes to surviving the real estate hangover from the past few years of excessive financial abuse, Florida homeowners need to sober up. Here are my top 10 rules for 2011: 1. Avoid the use of credit during a deflationary economy… use credit when inflation returns. 2. Be […]