
Search Results: Wall Street Rules

“A Retrospective From the Trenches of the Great Recession – 10 years later”

  Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 Year Anniversary of the Great Recession Usually anniversaries tend to make us slow down and look back.  For us at Oppenheim Law, the anniversary of the start of the Great-Recession of 2008 has been an opportunity to look back, appreciate what we have learned and set new goals for years to come.  There […]

Dodd-Frank Stalls Home Seller-Financing

Thu Jul 17, 2014 by on Florida Law News

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (or simply “Dodd-Frank”) was passed in 2010.  The passage of this Act was in effort to prevent the recurrence of the events that caused the 2008 financial crisis. The act also implements regulations that ultimately seek to create a greater certainty that borrowers can repay their home loans. The new Consumer […]

A View of the Bench

Tue Nov 5, 2013 by on Florida Law News

At a recent  seminar with the Daily Business Review,  250 lawyers engaged in the practice of  foreclosure law where a number of foreclosure and appellate judges served on a panel with me, I admonished the judicial branch to take heed. Specifically, I suggested that as the Florida Supreme Court in 1939 in Kilgore Groves, Inc. v. Mayo warned, one cannot allow […]

POST IN DEPTH: FORECLOSURE FALLOUT How to get your house for free: Rare but possible

Sun Aug 18, 2013 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by Kimberly Miller – for the Palm Beach Post  and republished with excerpts by  Roy Oppenheim, Oppenheim Law for the South Florida Law Blog. WEST PALM BEACH — Florida’s five-year deadline to foreclose on a home is ticking on thousands of aging cases statewide, giving lucky borrowers a shot at a free house and catching banks with […]

Million-dollar mansion won by real estate mavens

Sun Aug 11, 2013 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by KIMBERLY MILLER -for Palm Beach Post Staff Writer and republished by Roy Oppenheim for the South Florida Law Blog. He is the self-proclaimed condo king of New England, a man so cheeky that after five years in prison for bank fraud he’d moor his 94-foot yacht off the federal courthouse in Boston just to goad prosecutors. She is the […]