
Category: Bank Fraud

Roy Oppenheim Discusses Foreclosure Crisis Defense Strategies – Part 2

What do you do if your house is in foreclosure? Do you put your head in the sand and enter into the financial crisis? Or do you launch a foreclosure defense? Roy Oppenheim, a respected Florida real estate and foreclosure defense attorney, offered strategic advice for Florida homeowners in a recent interview on the talk show “Mind of Money” with […]

Roy Oppenheim Sizes up Foreclosure Crisis with Asset Protection Attorney – Part 1

  The tides turned from mortgage crisis to foreclosure financial crisis in October 2010. Florida Attorney Roy Oppenheim made the call three days before the bank fraud story broke in the Wall Street Journal. He reflected on that day with leading Asset Protection Attorney Douglass Lodmell in a recent interview on the talk show “Mind of Money.” On September 28th […]

Roy Oppenheim Replay on Fashioning your Own Foreclosure Bailout – Available for 10 Days Only!

Considering we can expect 4.3 million new foreclosures in the next 24 months the questions are: How can you fashion your own bailout? Why should you pay your mortgage if the neighbor isn’t? How can we resolve the foreclosure crisis? Does it make sense to socialize the losses (not the gains) and allow private companies (like the banks) keep profits? […]

The Fed Finally Shows Its True Colors as to Homeowners and Foreclosure Crisis

In Monday’s The New York Times editorial The Fed and Foreclosures, The Times finally took the Fed to task. They wrote: “There are two sides to every delinquent loan – a lender who made a bad lending decision and a borrower who cannot repay. Yet banks have never acted as if they bear any responsibility for the mortgage mess.” The […]

Facing Foreclosure – What to do? Roy Oppenheim Offers Insight on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television

Foreclosure defense attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim shares valuable insight into foreclosure defense and the current state of the mortgage crisis during the My Empowerment segment of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV. The segment, which aired this morning at 7 and 8 a.m. EST, covered topics ranging from options for underwater homeowners to experts’ long and short-term outlook […]

This Week’s Instant Replay: Oppenheim Law Foreclosure Fraud Workshop

Toxic foreclosures, robo-signers, rocket dockets, bank busters, dirty titles and clean homes! The new lingo in real estate law is making a name for itself and leaving frustrated homeowners with questions. In case you missed this month’s Foreclosure Fraud Workshop hosted by Legal Blogger and Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim, South Florida Law Blog brings the instant replay! If you […]

Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorney Says Vote No! Election Day Speed Callers, Bank Fraud Speed Signers

Today “robo-callers” are speed-dialing to encourage voters to go to the polls for Election Day; no different than the “robo-signers” (the speed signers) who contributed to the foreclosure bank fraud crisis we are in right now. The robo-callers are jamming up the phone systems just like robo-signers have done to the legal system; and allowing foreclosures to fly through the […]

Foreclosure Headline News in Review by Roy Oppenheim

The Good News: Big Banks Told Not to ‘Fix’ a Fraud One of Roy Oppenheim’s favorite articles this weekend is from the Wall Street Journal by Robbie Whelan; it’s about Ohio’s attorney general pressing banks to modify mortgage loans versus ‘fixing’ false and sloppy paperwork. Attorney General Richard Cordray could not have said it better: “The banks are committing fraud […]