Roy Oppenheim Replay on Fashioning your Own Foreclosure Bailout – Available for 10 Days Only!
Sun Dec 12, 2010 by Oppenheim Law on Bank Fraud, Florida Law News, Foreclosure Defense, Foreclosure Fraud, Foreclosure Workshop & Roy Oppenheim
Considering we can expect 4.3 million new foreclosures in the next 24 months the questions are: How can you fashion your own bailout? Why should you pay your mortgage if the neighbor isn’t? How can we resolve the foreclosure crisis? Does it make sense to socialize the losses (not the gains) and allow private companies (like the banks) keep profits? As a society, how can we collectively work together to break the foreclosure crisis cycle?
Florida Attorney and Legal Blogger Roy Oppenheim addresses tough questions and more in his most recent foreclosure defense workshop. Oppenheim recaps what’s happened in the past year and gives a sense of where the real estate market is going, where foreclosure defense is going and where the economy is going. He talks about what can we expect (or not expect from the government) as we move forward particularly since this last election.
Some experts are calling this a lost decade. But Oppenheim says it will be a lost generation if the government does not step up to the plate and create better incentives to encourage people to behave in a different way.
If you missed this week’s 26th consecutive monthly Foreclosure Defense Workshop from Oppenheim Law, catch the replay available on Oppenheim Law TV for the next ten days.
Why don’t you do a blogcast regarding asset protection as these banks try to foreclose on you?