
Tag: Florida foreclosures

“A Retrospective From the Trenches of the Great Recession- What remains the same ten years later”

Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 year Anniversary of the Great Recession. Part two: The unchanged. I started a series of retrospective posts and videos to reflect upon the tenth-year anniversary of the Great Recession. The first post addressed the consequences of the economic collapse. This post discusses what remains the same after it, and in the next, and last […]

What Has Changed & What Hasn’t Changed During the 10-year Great Recession Anniversary

  Roy Oppenheim Shares What Has Changed & What Hasn’t Changed During the 10-year Great Recession Anniversary Hi, Roy Oppenheim here, real estate attorney, foreclosure defense attorney, and legal blogger for the South Florida Law blog. Folks have been asking me recently what my thoughts are about the 10-year anniversary of the Great Recession and the foreclosure crisis. And I’ve […]

2017 Foreclosure Trends in South Florida

Thu Jan 12, 2017 by on Florida Foreclosures

There have been many recent important legal developments in the South Florida housing market that you should be aware of relating to foreclosures. As the rocket-dockets decrease, Judges will now be focusing on the importance of the banks producing real evidence and scrutinizing their arguments and their robo-witnesses’ testimony. This means evidence that banks and others have gotten away with in […]

Scott signs foreclosure bill

Sun Jun 9, 2013 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by Paul Owers in the Sun Sentinel and republished in the South Florida Law Blog with Roy Oppenheim. Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill Friday designed to speed up foreclosuresin Florida, but critics say the measure is unfair to homeowners. HB 87 requires homeowners to respond more quickly to foreclosure filings and gives community associations […]

Florida foreclosure victims may not get fair share from national mortgage settlement

Fri Jun 7, 2013 by on Florida Law News

This story originally appeared on CBS4 Miami’s website and was broadcast on June 5, 2013. It includes an interview with real estate and foreclosure defense attorney Roy Oppenheim. MIAMI (CBS4) – Checks for thousands of Florida foreclosure victims will finally be going out next week, with hundreds of millions of dollars more earmarked for new housing programs statewide. But there’s […]

NY Times columnist backs Oppenheim in denouncing proposed foreclosure settlement

Wed Nov 2, 2011 by on Bank Fraud & Florida Law News

Florida homeowners might have a new definition for bank robbers… With details now coming to light on a possible deal between banks and the state governments, it’s seems the chances of these financial institutions being held accountable is less and less likely. South Florida law blogger and foreclosure attorney Roy Oppenheim strongly opposed the deal, which is being sought by […]