Florida foreclosure victims may not get fair share from national mortgage settlement
Fri Jun 7, 2013 by Oppenheim Law on Florida Law News
This story originally appeared on CBS4 Miami’s website and was broadcast on June 5, 2013. It includes an interview with real estate and foreclosure defense attorney Roy Oppenheim.
MIAMI (CBS4) – Checks for thousands of Florida foreclosure victims will finally be going out next week, with hundreds of millions of dollars more earmarked for new housing programs statewide.
But there’s a growing debate on where most of the money’s going and if foreclosure victims are really getting their fair share.
Thousands of Florida families forced out of their homes by abusive foreclosure practices will finally be getting some money back. But as real estate and foreclosure defense attorney Roy Oppenheim tells CBS4 consumer reporter Al Sunshine, the settlement is a joke.
“It does not compensate people for the destruction of their property rights, their due process rights and the destruction of the legal system.
Oppenheim adds that millions will be going to the courts, and will actually help to speed up future foreclosures statewide.
“A lot of money’s going to the court administrative process to speed the foreclosure process even more, to fuel the rocket dockets. It’s a complete and utter joke. For people illegally losing their home and the destruction of the legal system,” said Oppenheim.
Click here to view the CBS4 segment in its entirety.
Real estate and foreclosure defense attorney, Roy Oppenheim left Wall Street for Main Street, founding Oppenheim Law along with his wife Ellen in 1989 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He also is vice president of Weston Title and creator of the South Florida Law Blog, named the best business and technology blog by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Follow Roy on Twitter at @OpLaw or like Oppenheim Law on Facebook .