
Category: Class Action Lawsuits

3M Lawsuit – New Year, New Record

Fri Feb 4, 2022 by on Class Action Lawsuits

American conglomerate 3M, who has manufactured safety and other equipment for a wide array of industries since 1902, is currently facing multi-district litigation in Florida over their sale of Combat Arms Earplugs (CAEv2) to the U.S. Army. 3M’s legal battle in Florida has become the largest MDL in American history, and just one month in to 2022 it has shattered […]

CPAP Lawsuit – A Legal Nightmare

Mon Dec 27, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

Philips, a Dutch multinational conglomerate, has been in the electronics industry since the end of the 19th century. In 2013, Philips Electronics dropped “Electronics” from its name to  focus on health electronics. One such product, the Philips Respironics’ CPAP which aids people who have sleep issues, has been the subject of a massive voluntary recall. In fact, for the greater […]

Bair Hugger Lawsuit – 3M Finds Itself in the Heat of Battle, Again

Mon Nov 29, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

American conglomerate 3M, who has recently been sued for manufacturing and distributing faulty earplugs to the U.S. Army, is also being sued over their Bair Hugger Warming System meant to help patients undergo and recover from surgery without going into hypothermia. Plaintiffs allege that the Bair Hugger Warming System caused them to develop infections by transferring bacteria to open surgical […]

The IVC Filter Lawsuits

Thu Nov 11, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

Cook Medical and C.R. Bard, both American manufacturers of medical devices, develop inferior vena cava (IVC) filters. IVC filters, used by patients who are unable to take blood thinners, are meant to prevent blood clots from travelling to the lungs and heart through the bloodstream, otherwise known as a pulmonary embolism. These small, cage-like devices are implanted in the main […]

3M Lawsuit Update: Is a Global Settlement Getting Closer?

Tue Oct 26, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

American conglomerate 3M, known for manufacturing safety and other equipment for various industries, is facing multi-district litigation (MDL) in Florida over the sale of faulty dual-ended combat arms earplugs for soldiers. This MDL has become the largest in American history and it shows no signs of slowing down as the latest bellwether trial found that combat earplugs sold by 3M […]

Roundup Lawsuit Update: A Changing Landscape for Monsanto

Tue Aug 24, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

Monsanto, which since 2018 is owned by European pharmaceutical Bayer, is the main manufacturer of Round-up. Round-up, a glyphosate-based weedkiller, is currently at the center of a of a lawsuit in California in which plaintiffs alleged they developed cancer as a result of prolonged use of Roundup. After a long legal battle, plaintiffs in that California case have just been […]

The Elmiron Lawsuit and Vision Loss

Thu Jul 29, 2021 by on Class Action Lawsuits

Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of American giant Johnson & Johnson, is the main manufacturer of pentosyn polysulfate sodium (PPS), commonly known as Elmiron. Elmiron is generally used to treat a type of interstitial cystitis or painful bladder symptoms. Janssen is currently being sued over allegations, amongst others, that Janssen failed to warn patients about the risks  in taking Elmiron.The lawsuits […]