
Category: Florida Foreclosures

Landmark Foreclosure Case Goes Before Florida Supreme Court; Has Banks Terrified

If you haven’t already heard, there is a monumental case that was heard Thursday morning in the Florida Supreme Court, and every single homeowner should be paying close attention to this case. To watch a replay of the oral arguments, please click here. The case is Roman Pino vs. Bank of New York. It involves all the customary fraud I […]

‘Bad Neighbor Banks’ Take Hold In South Florida

Banks make bad neighbors. It’s been one of my mantras for years, and it’s a statement that is again reverberating across the country thanks to The Sun-Sentinel’s 3-part series “Bad Neighbor Banks”. Thanks to the Sentinel, 60 Minutes, and the National Fair Housing Alliance, we are seeing the hard data that back up my assertion that banks, once they foreclose […]

An Open Letter to Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is now asking for the public’s input on what she should do with the $300 million the state will be receiving directly from the national mortgage settlement. She is openly soliciting your suggestions through her website from now until May 14th. As a foreclosure defense attorney and one of the people on the front lines […]

Friday Round-Up; Foreclosures Up Again, DeMarco Dances With Reductions; Bank Of America Sues Itself

Fri Apr 13, 2012 by on Florida Foreclosures

Foreclosures, repos up from last year in South Florida I said after the foreclosure settlement was announced that banks had been given the green light to rev up their foreclosures engines, and in South Florida at least, I’m being proven right. RealtyTrac’s numbers from last month show dramatic year-over-year increases in both new foreclosure filings (85%) and repossessions (39%) in […]

Foreclosure Settlement Filed; But Banks’ Crimes Go Largely Ignored

In the weeks after the mortgage settlement was announced by the Federal Government, I waited under baited breath to the see it in its entirety. Almost every week I read a different report stating the documents to finalize the settlement were about to be filed in court. And as each reported deadline came and went, I grew more and more […]

Florida Fair Foreclosure Act? Fair to Whom?

Banks need to get their massive foreclosure backlog off the books. There are over 368,000 cases in Florida. I get that. Getting these properties into the hands of families who can afford them, that is what I want to see. It’s needed to jump start the economy, and no one wants to see the banks out of the neighborhoods more […]