
Category: Florida Real Estate

Roy Oppenheim on Obama’s Loan Modification Programs and What it Means to Florida Real Estate

Tue Aug 25, 2009 by on Florida Real Estate

Once in Default: Always in Default Borrowers stay in default … Regardless of Obama Modification Programs New Study Shows As we have previously discussed about Florida real estate, the whole premise of the Obama Administration’s housing bail out response was to provide, Florida real estate borrowers, the opportunity to modify their loans and get back on track. Based on prior […]

Deep Cleanings for Foreclosures

Many people may be hesitant to believe that business is booming, but there is a particular profession that is; namely, Property Preservationists for distressed properties. As reported in the August 13th Sun-Sentinel, foreclosures have tripled across the nation since 2005. More and more of these properties are becoming REOs, or “real estate owned,” meaning the bank holds the deed. Before […]

Loan Modification and Refinancing Real Estate Panel Tonight

Is upside down the new right side up? Many South Florida residents are left scratching their heads when it comes to things like loan modifications or refinancing. But thanks to Al Sunshine of Miami’s CBS 4, Roy Oppenheim, Ellen Pilelsky, and Geoff Sherman will be answering questions tonight about the ever-changing real estate market through CBS 4’s Your Money real […]

CBS Hosts Oppenheim Law for Real Estate Panel

Roy Oppenheim, Ellen Pilelsky, and Geoff Sherman will be answering questions about loan modifications and refinancing next Monday on CBS4 Your Money’s real estate panel phone bank. With the ever-changing real estate market, many South Florida residents are left with questions and concerns or are in need of real estate advice. Thanks to Al Sunshine of Miami’s CBS4, South Florida […]

Rewarding the Rascals: Banks and Mortgage Modifications

Everyone knows that hindsight is a wonderful thing. Now our friends at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston have issued a voluminous study of mortgage modifications during 2008. Until October 2008, the financial crisis had not reached full bloom. However, the study is extremely insightful into the rational behavior of banks and why mortgage modifications, up until now, have been […]

South Florida Real Estate Trends

Thu Jun 25, 2009 by on Florida Real Estate

I am a subscriber to the South Florida Real Estate Newsletter written by Evan Rosen, a South Florida Realtor. Each month, Evan sends out a recap of the current real estate trends in South Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, Dade). This month included interesting statistics about the South Florida real estate landscape and compared current and past trends. Read Evan’s analysis […]