
How the Banks Aren’t Playing Fair: CBS News, Roy Oppenheim Talks with Investigative Reporter Stephen Stock

Thu Sep 30, 2010 by on Roy Oppenheim

The banks “supporting” documents for foreclosure actions are now being investigated.
The question is: Are the banks playing by the rules? Not banks like GMAC, JPMorgan Chase and soon to be a list of others.

Roy Oppenheim of Oppenheim Law says the three Florida foreclosure stories on this investigative report by CBS4 Stephen Stock are the rule rather than the exception. There seems to be a disconnect with the banks and some are calling it FRAUD.

“This is the tip of a very ugly iceberg and the banking ship is now sinking,” says Oppenheim.

Oppenheim continues to help Florida homeowners learn more about developing stories concerning bank fraud and will focus on this subject in his monthly foreclosure defense workshop on Wednesday October 6 at 6pm. The full CBS story is live on the Roy Oppenheim YouTube Channel.

Tags: bank fraud, Bank Fraud crisis, CBS, CBS News, chase, Florida homewoners, GMAC, jpmorgan chase, Oppenheim Law, Roy Oppenheim, Stephen Stock, Stephen Stock CBS4

2 responses to “How the Banks Aren’t Playing Fair: CBS News, Roy Oppenheim Talks with Investigative Reporter Stephen Stock”

  1. […] Florida Attorney Roy Oppenheim made the call three days before the bank fraud story broke in the Wall Street Journal. He reflected on that day with leading Asset Protection Attorney Douglass Lodmell in a recent […]

  2. […] 6.      How the Banks Aren’t Playing Fair: CBS News, Roy Oppenheim Talks with Investigative Reporter Steph… […]