
Roy Oppenheim Advises to Fight Foreclosure

Tue Jun 30, 2009 by on Florida Foreclosures

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune interviewed Roy Oppenheim, among other Florida foreclosure attorneys, for his opinion on what to do during the foreclosure process. The article advises homeowners to fight foreclosure and never just give-in to a foreclosure notice. Read on for the full article. Attorneys advise clients to stay in their homes By Todd Ruger Monday, June 29, 2009 SARASOTA COUNTY […]

South Florida Real Estate Trends

Thu Jun 25, 2009 by on Florida Real Estate

I am a subscriber to the South Florida Real Estate Newsletter written by Evan Rosen, a South Florida Realtor. Each month, Evan sends out a recap of the current real estate trends in South Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, Dade). This month included interesting statistics about the South Florida real estate landscape and compared current and past trends. Read Evan’s analysis […]

Best Foreclosure Strategy: Renegotiate Mortgage in Mediation

Mon Jun 22, 2009 by on Florida Foreclosures

Well the early statistics are in http://bit.ly/RsUIQ. As expected, we are finding in Florida that the likelihood of completing a loan modification is much higher if conducted with a mediator under court supervision. That’s why it’s likely why we can anticipate that the Florida Supreme Court will require mandatory mediation in every foreclosure action. In fact, in the few Florida […]

FEMA To Use Foreclosed Homes During Hurricane Season

Wed Jun 17, 2009 by on Florida Foreclosures

With the brunt of hurricane season fast approaching, the Associated Press has reported FEMA is considering a plan to use vacant foreclosure properties as a source of emergency housing for hurricane evacuees. In an interview with the AP, Roy Oppenheim shared his opinion on FEMA’s proposal. He also added more information during a video interview, which can be found on […]

What is a Deficiency Judgment

Fri Jun 12, 2009 by on Florida Foreclosures

One of the biggest questions that I am repeatedly asked as a foreclosure defense attorney is, “What is a deficiency judgment and how does it work?” Answer is: A deficiency judgment is a filing from the bank against a homeowner or borrower that has gone through foreclosure. The filing is for the amount of money that the bank lost because […]

Roy Oppenheim and the Future of Foreclosures

Thu Jun 11, 2009 by on Florida Law News

Distressed homeowners are not alone thanks to Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim as the staggering number of foreclosures continues to grow in South Florida. To help combat this trend, foreclosure defense attorney Roy Oppenheim offers free legal workshops on the first Thursday of each month to present distressed homeowners the newest strategies to keep them in their homes. The video […]