
Tag: foreclosure

Return of Evictions and Foreclosures during COVID?

Return of Evictions and Foreclosures during COVID? Description Find out the latest on evictions and foreclosures during the coronavirus pandemic. Is anyone safe from evictions and foreclosures? If so, who? Find out in the latest webinar with Attorney Roy Oppenheim.  REGISTER HERE Register by Tuesday September 8th, 2020 12:00 PM. You’ll receive a confirmation email with a unique link to […]

Strategic Use of Bankruptcy When Foreclosure and Eviction Moratoriums are Lifted

Thu Aug 13, 2020 by on Bankruptcy

Strategic Use of Bankruptcy When Foreclosure and Eviction Moratoriums are Lifted Topic Strategic Use of Bankruptcy When Foreclosure and Eviction Moratoriums are Lifted With Special Guest Ido J. Alexander, Esq. Ido Alexander, Esq., practices bankruptcy law, representing trustees, debtors, and creditors. Serving as Past President of the Bankruptcy Bar Association of the Southern District of Florida, Ido is a frequent […]

URGENT UPDATE: COVID-19 Webinar To Include Special Discussion on Stimulus Package For businesses and individuals.

Watch The Live Stream Of Roy Oppenheim on Strategic Default. Plus An Added Special Discussion on Stimulus Package For businesses and individuals. Description Zoom in at Noon with Roy Oppenheim : “Strategic Default: How It is Different from the Great Recession and Strategies to Renegotiate Loans and Debts” And Special Discussion on Stimulus Package For businesses and individuals. Mar 31, 2020 […]


While I would be the last person to want to be called “Chicken Little,” it is still important that I continue to serve as a messenger for the disparate factual analysis that indicates that the real estate market is clearly slowing and that may well be a harbinger for the entire economy.  In fact, just yesterday, the Federal Reserve announced […]

“A Retrospective From the Trenches of the Great Recession- What remains the same ten years later”

Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 year Anniversary of the Great Recession. Part two: The unchanged. I started a series of retrospective posts and videos to reflect upon the tenth-year anniversary of the Great Recession. The first post addressed the consequences of the economic collapse. This post discusses what remains the same after it, and in the next, and last […]

What Has Changed & What Hasn’t Changed During the 10-year Great Recession Anniversary

  Roy Oppenheim Shares What Has Changed & What Hasn’t Changed During the 10-year Great Recession Anniversary Hi, Roy Oppenheim here, real estate attorney, foreclosure defense attorney, and legal blogger for the South Florida Law blog. Folks have been asking me recently what my thoughts are about the 10-year anniversary of the Great Recession and the foreclosure crisis. And I’ve […]

“A Retrospective From the Trenches of the Great Recession – 10 years later”

  Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 Year Anniversary of the Great Recession Usually anniversaries tend to make us slow down and look back.  For us at Oppenheim Law, the anniversary of the start of the Great-Recession of 2008 has been an opportunity to look back, appreciate what we have learned and set new goals for years to come.  There […]