
Tag: foreclosure

South Florida Foreclosures Spike 35%

Florida is in the headlines once again. However, this time it’s not because of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. This time, Florida has made headlines for its high rate of foreclosures. According to a study report conducted by Attom Data Solutions, the foreclosure rates are the highest in Florida compared to the last few years. The rates are […]

Election Paralysis on the Real Estate Housing Market

Thu Aug 30, 2018 by on News & Real Estate Law

Politics aside, voters and potential real estate residential home purchasers and sellers are concerned about how the upcoming midterm election and its outcome will affect them financially. With the election having the capacity to change the balance of power, this sense of uncertainty may make selling residential real estate more difficult and cause a delay on purchasing a home until […]

2017 Foreclosure Trends in South Florida

Thu Jan 12, 2017 by on Florida Foreclosures

There have been many recent important legal developments in the South Florida housing market that you should be aware of relating to foreclosures. As the rocket-dockets decrease, Judges will now be focusing on the importance of the banks producing real evidence and scrutinizing their arguments and their robo-witnesses’ testimony. This means evidence that banks and others have gotten away with in […]

Court ruling lets lenders bring stalled foreclosures 'back to life'

Tue Dec 6, 2016 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by Paul Owers Sun Sentinel and republished in the South Florida Law and Legal Blog with excerpts and opinion from real estate defense attorney Roy Oppenheim, Oppenheim Law – Weston, FL Summary: The Florida Supreme Court has declared that where a first foreclosure lawsuit is dismissed voluntarily or involuntarily by the court, such dismissal  does not trigger the […]

California’s Supreme Court Punts and Kicks the Can Down the Road for Another Day

Tue Apr 5, 2016 by on Florida Law News

Just last month California’s Supreme Court declined to rule on a hot and eagerly anticipated question for borrowers in foreclosure:  whether a loan transferred into a trust after the trust’s closing date is void. The Court’s analysis in Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corporation discussed Glaski v. Bank of American N.A. which clearly stated that a borrower is able to […]

3 things homeowners didn't ask Santa for but might be getting anyway

Mon Dec 21, 2015 by on Florida Law News

The following article was originally published in the Sun Sentinel with excerpts by Roy Oppenheim. Naughty or Nice: Three Things Homeowners didn’t ask Santa for this Year but might be getting anyway! Rising interest rates Strong US Dollar Devaluation of foreign currencies While foreclosures have waned, South Florida real estate lawyer Roy Oppenheim predicts the housing recovery will slow in […]