
Tag: presidential election

The Real Estate of the Union: Will Housing be a Major Factor in the 2020 Presidential Election?

Tue Jun 18, 2019 by on Real Estate

The Real Estate Of The Union Will Housing Be A Major Factor in the 2020 Presidential Election

While housing has not been a major factor in past presidential elections, it appears that more and more presidential candidates are addressing the rising cost of owning or renting a home.  In fact, at least 16 of the Democratic candidates have mentioned affordable housing in their platforms, and four have specifically released policy proposals. And President Trump has mentioned his […]

Presidential Debates Let Wall Street Off the Hook

Fri Oct 26, 2012 by on Florida Law News

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo! Homes and is being republished on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. So we’ve managed to get through all three presidential debates. But although the presidential election is (thankfully) in the home stretch, did we really learn anything new about either President Barack Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney? And more importantly, […]

Obama and the State of the Union — a Political Jekyll and Hyde?

Leading up to the State of the Union, we heard a lot of chatter that a proposed $25 billion settlement with the banks would be a selling point in President Obama’s speech.And maybe it would have been, had President Obama delivered the State of the Union. But clearly the person we saw last night addressing Congress was candidate Obama, who […]

From 'Hope' to 'Housing' – Oppenheim Law Looks Ahead to the 2012 Presidential Election

‘Hope’ stands as a fleeting memory for most Americans as unemployment stagnates, housing prices fall and economic growth looms as a lofty promise unfulfilled. And as we get closer to the 2012 Presidential Election, it’s becoming clear that the ideological political landscape that dominated the 2008 election cycle will be eclipsed by a menacing elephant in the room: the economy. […]