
Tag: sherrod brown

Holder: Banks Too Big to Fail and Too Big to Jail

Mon Mar 11, 2013 by on Florida Law News

This article was written for The South Florida Law Blog by Roy Oppenheim. U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, the man charged with upholding the laws of this country, has finally recognized the elephant in the room. During a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this week, Holder finally admitted what the rest of us have been saying for a long time: There are […]

Foreclosure Fallout: Robo-Signing deal falls flat

President Obama is likely to talk about this in tonight’s State of The Union Address, but we’re not going to wait that long. With details of the proposed $25 billion settlement with the nation’s largest banks over the robo-signing fiasco now out in the public eye thanks to the Associated Press, we feel a large sense of disappointment. There’s no […]

Will Obama Target Housing Crisis During State Of The Union?

We really haven’t seen President Obama insert himself directly into the housing crisis, but there are rumblings that he may do just that during Tuesday’s State of The Union address. The fact is that is what homeowners have been clamoring for. A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll found 58% of Americans want the government to do more to help people keep […]