
Who’s Who Women Of Influence: Ellen Pilelsky

Wed Sep 9, 2020 by on Business

We congratulate our co-founder, Ellen Pilelsky, for being featured as a Who’s Who women of Influence in the September 3, 2020 issue of Lifestyle Magazine.

Here is the full story:

With COVID now, what is your biggest challenge to balance your profession and family?

With COVID-19, there are new challenges to maintaining a work life balance. While technology has been crucial during this time,we must recognize, allow, and take advantage of the time we have with our family, and find space and time for ourselves.

What advice would you give young women?

This pandemic has created many challenges, and yet it also has shown how resilient we are and can be. I would tell young women to have the capacity to adapt, be fluid, and remember that resiliency. The journey in life is oft en about all the plans that you do not necessarily intend, and to instead create and embrace on the fly.What are you and/or your company doing to stay relevant during these challenging times?For Oppenheim Law and Weston Title, relevance is all about listening to our clients and meeting their needs. Our title company handles residential and commercial closings throughout the state at our clients’ convenience through mobile closings and remote online notarization. Additionally, our secure cloud-based technology allows our staff to work remotely or from our office, andour 24/7 portal keeps our clients up to date on their respective closings. For Oppenheim Law, we host informational free weekly webinars called “Zoom at Noon,” which discuss important legal and real estate issues emerging from COVID-19. We remain committed to providing information for our clients and friends around the world on relevant legal updates evolving and emerging from this crisis on our law firm’s COVID-19 webpage and through our email newsletter.


originally posted at: https://www.oppenheimlaw.com/news-resources/whos-who-women-of-influence-ellen-pilelsky/

Tags: Ellen Pilelsky

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