Strategies to Renegotiate Loans and Debts During COVID-19
Wed Apr 1, 2020 by Oppenheim Law on Deficiency Judgements, Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law News, Florida Real Estate, Florida Short Sales, Foreclosure Defense & Loan Modification
Whether you wish to re-watch or you were unable to attend yesterday’s Zoom in At Noon webinar, “Strategic Default: How It is Different from the Great Recession and Strategies to Renegotiate Loans and Debts”, below is a recorded video:
We hope that you will be able to attend next week’s free webinar, “Deeper Dive into COVID-19’s Impact on South Florida Real Estate Plus SBA Emergency Programs including the PPP.” which will be on Tuesday, April 7 at 12:00 pm.
Here is the link to register: REGISTER NOW
We look forward to your participation, and speaking with you then!
From the trenches,
Roy D. Oppenheim
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