
Tag: Harriet Johnson Brackey

Foreclosure Fallout: Robo-Signing deal falls flat

President Obama is likely to talk about this in tonight’s State of The Union Address, but we’re not going to wait that long. With details of the proposed $25 billion settlement with the nation’s largest banks over the robo-signing fiasco now out in the public eye thanks to the Associated Press, we feel a large sense of disappointment. There’s no […]

Cracked! Humpty Dumpty, Chase, and GMAC: The Bank Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Crisis Continues to Fall by Roy Oppenheim

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men. Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Most Americans, including some lawyers and even judges don’t understand what happened. Yes, it is complex and confusing. But at the end it’s real simple. In the old days, a bank would […]

Today’s Sun-Sentinel Florida Foreclosure Report , Roy Oppenheim Contributes to Story

A Foreclosure Tsunami is overwhelming South Florida courts, writes Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reporter Harriet Johnson Brackey. Florida real estate attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim contributed to the report, which explains how a tenfold increase in foreclosure cases over the past five years is crippling the South Florida court system. According to Oppenheim Law, South Florida courts have turned to […]