
Tag: housing market

Climate Change: Rising Seas and the South Florida Housing Market

florid underwater cbs 4

The notion of climate change, specifically rising seas,  affecting coastal homes and properties within Florida is not necessarily novel.  We have been addressing this issue for some time, raising the question of how coastal flooding may impact the housing market in general. Yesterday, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Sun-Sentinel all reported the same story:  Florida […]

Wall Street May Be Your New Landlord

Fri Dec 13, 2019 by on Banksters

wall street may be your new landlord

Homes being bought by landlords and flippers now account for more than 11% of U.S. home sales, the highest on record. Meanwhile, Wall Street is now trading billions of dollars’ worth of bonds backed by rental payments. The Great Recession Revisited I recall a time when I was growing up in the Bronx, in a rent stabilized apartment, that the […]

Baby Boomers: Gridlock In the Housing Market

Mon Jul 8, 2019 by on Real Estate

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers, as defined by the 75 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964, are said to be “clogging up” the housing market. How? While, generally speaking, Americans are known to follow a rite of passage in life – get married, have kids, buy a house, move to a bigger house, and retire into a smaller home – Baby Boomers […]

Take My House

Wed Jul 17, 2013 by on Florida Law News

The following article was written by Roy Oppenheim, Esq. for the   South Florida Law Blog. The late comedian Henny Youngman was known for his rapid-fire, one-liners – and is probably best know for this one in particular: “Take my wife … please!” That’s also the line a lot of folks were saying at the height of the real estate crisis, except they replaced […]

Residential Real Estate Market Already Headed Over Fiscal Cliff

Roy Oppenheim’s commentary was originally published on Yahoo! Homes and is being republished on South Florida Law Blog with their permission. They say there is no rest for the weary, and that seems especially appropriate for our nation’s elected officials. Election Day may be still be fresh in our rear-view mirror, but in case you have forgotten, the lame duck […]