
Category: Uncategorized

Mother’s Day Message

Thu May 6, 2021 by on Uncategorized

Dear Friends: “Home is where your mom is.”—Unknown This Mother’s Day is different. The pandemic challenged our concept of home and our parental roles as perhaps never before. Many of us moms (as well as dads and guardians) had to make decisions to change or leave employment to assume full or part-time roles of teaching our children due to school […]

Our Family To Yours: To A Brighter 2021

Tue Dec 15, 2020 by on Uncategorized

Dear Friends: This holiday season we look to 2021 with a sense of hope and optimism. With the pending distribution of a vaccine, we are encouraged that the worse of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us and will be, ultimately, an eventual memory. Someone recently asked me what lessons I have learned from 2020. While the pandemic presented challenges that […]

Climate Change: Rising Seas and the South Florida Housing Market

The notion of climate change, specifically rising seas,  affecting coastal homes and properties within Florida is not necessarily novel.  We have been addressing this issue for some time, raising the question of how coastal flooding may impact the housing market in general. Yesterday, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Sun-Sentinel all reported the same story:  Florida […]