Today’s Sun-Sentinel Florida Foreclosure Report , Roy Oppenheim Contributes to Story
Wed Jun 16, 2010 by RoyOppenheim on Florida Foreclosures, Florida Law News, Florida Real Estate, Foreclosure Defense & Roy Oppenheim
A Foreclosure Tsunami is overwhelming South Florida courts, writes Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reporter Harriet Johnson Brackey.
Florida real estate attorney and legal blogger Roy Oppenheim contributed to the report, which explains how a tenfold increase in foreclosure cases over the past five years is crippling the South Florida court system.
According to Oppenheim Law, South Florida courts have turned to mediation, a process prior to foreclosure proceedings that gives homeowners and banks an opportunity to avoid a battle in court if an agreement on the future of the property and debt can be reached. The problem, though, is most homeowners are not aware they now have a right to mediation.
“Mediation makes all the difference in the world,” Oppenheim says. “There are so many opportunities to resolve matters in mediation, a lot of creative ways.”
Check out the entire Foreclosure Tsunami article in Oppenheim Law’s Newsroom to find out the state’s plan to eliminate half of the foreclosure backlog by the end of the year.
Read the article on the link. Some things were left up in the air:
1) Is the mediation route open to investment properties as well, or is it just for people that live in the property?
2) Is there any chance to get a deed in lieu of foreclosure at mediation?
I ask, because in my case, I just want them to take their collateral, get this over with and leave me alone. Any chance of that happening? How do I go about that? Will the attorney ever try and contact the bank and ask them for a deed in lieu of foreclosure on behalf of his client or is that a fairy tale scenario and the banks just will not do them in this bizarre Ferengi Rules of Acquisition type world?