
Category: News

Honest Service Theft and the College Application Fiasco

Tue Mar 19, 2019 by on News

What Were They Thinking? Front and center is the sweeping college admission fraud investigations where celebrity arrests have been made as a result of accusations that bribes were given by parents to have their children be accepted for admission to prestigious colleges. Bribes were made for increased test scores, doctoring of athletic achievements, and payments to coaches and/or administrators to […]

Prominent Florida Foreclosure Defense Firm Oppenheim Law Announces Deferred Payment Plan for U.S. Government Employees Affected by Historic Government Shutdown

Fort Lauderdale Foreclosure Defense Attorneys look to ease the government employees affected by the current shutdown by helping them with their foreclosure and housing needs, and deferring payment for such services until they return to work Ellen Pilelsky and Roy Oppenheim, co-founders of Oppenheim Law, announce today that due to the historic government shutdown, their firm will assist government employees […]

South Florida Foreclosures Spike 35%

Florida is in the headlines once again. However, this time it’s not because of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. This time, Florida has made headlines for its high rate of foreclosures. According to a study report conducted by Attom Data Solutions, the foreclosure rates are the highest in Florida compared to the last few years. The rates are […]

Election Paralysis on the Real Estate Housing Market

Thu Aug 30, 2018 by on News & Real Estate Law

Politics aside, voters and potential real estate residential home purchasers and sellers are concerned about how the upcoming midterm election and its outcome will affect them financially. With the election having the capacity to change the balance of power, this sense of uncertainty may make selling residential real estate more difficult and cause a delay on purchasing a home until […]

In Celebration of National Take Your Dog to Work Day

Tue Jun 19, 2018 by on News

This Friday is the 20th annual Take Your Dog to Work Day.  Originally designed to raise awareness of pet adoptions, this special day has taken on special meaning as mental health issues in the work place have dramatically increased. Pets Help Conquer That “Ruff” Day at the Office Across professions, the mental health of employees has become a national topic.  […]