
Tag: Florida real estate

Robo-Signing Returns, Raising Eyebrows and Acid Reflux

Oppenheim Law would never accuse the banks of committing fraud, perjury, impersonation, notary fraud, contempt of court, lying, violating Constitutional protections, or being tax cheats. Nevertheless, we do make this advisory: Be careful of what you sign. Why? As soon as you think the coast is clear, it’s the return of the robo-signers. Suspected robo-signed documents are cropping up again […]

3 Tips on Florida’s New House Rules and the American Dream

  Is homeownership still part of today’s American Dream? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal shared some old school advice on buying a home in today’s economy, more along the lines of Depression Era thinkers versus Baby Boomer spenders. 1. Buy what you can afford without scrimping on other needs. If you need to save for retirement or […]

Florida Housing Crisis Worse Than Great Depression?

Thu Jun 16, 2011 by on Florida Law News

Florida Real Estate Goes From Bad to Worse… Securitized Trusts Face Scrutiny and Housing Crisis Now Worse Than the Great Depression Questions Roy Oppenheim. From Bad… Florida real estate is not alone. Serious questions are being raised about the validity and legality of mortgage backed securities, the negotiable instruments at the center of our country’s mortgage boom and subsequent bust. […]

From 'Hope' to 'Housing' – Oppenheim Law Looks Ahead to the 2012 Presidential Election

‘Hope’ stands as a fleeting memory for most Americans as unemployment stagnates, housing prices fall and economic growth looms as a lofty promise unfulfilled. And as we get closer to the 2012 Presidential Election, it’s becoming clear that the ideological political landscape that dominated the 2008 election cycle will be eclipsed by a menacing elephant in the room: the economy. […]

Florida Real Estate’s Mortal Enemy: Excess Inventories

What is killing Florida real estate? Excess inventories and falling home prices. House prices have been continuously falling for the first time in 70 years, and South Florida homeowners should expect the trend to continue. A surplus inventory of houses caused by Florida foreclosures and short sales is the mortal enemy of home prices. Lower prices are needed to sell […]

Beyond Florida Real Estate: Are Bankers the New Mobsters?

Wall Street corruption blurs the lines between good guys and bad guys as this week’s headlines bubble to the top. Unbelievably guilty in the court of public opinion. Now ultimately guilty in a court of law. The conviction of Galleon hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam on all 14 counts of conspiracy and securities fraud is a prime example of rampant […]